About CxC

Circular[x]Change is a three-day conference with the aim to connect architecture and design offices spanning across Europe, with a shared focus on promoting reuse and embracing circular building practices.

The conference serves as a platform for the exchange of working methods, technological innovations and digital platforms based on specific buildings and projects. It is of outmost importance to coordinate efforts related to the European climate goals, the EU action plan for circular economy, the Green New Deal and the idea of a new European Bauhaus.

With a forward-looking perspective, Circular[x]Change aspires to lay the groundwork for the establishment of a European lobby Organisation for Circular Construction Practices.

One of the main aims of CxC Copenhagen 24 is to create a charter, The Copenhagen Charter for Circular Change. The charter will debate and demonstrate how to achieve a Circular Change in our building culture.

Pictures from CxC 2022 in Vienna, hosted by materialnomaden